Do you feel like “there’s got to be something more”?

That you have it all but still not feel fulfilled? Sometimes we have been so focused on the external world, in fitting and pleasing others, that we disconnect from our own true desires. If we have been functioning like this for all our life, it can be difficult to reconnect with our true essence. Together we can navigate your inner world and find out how you can live a truly fulfilling life that YOU are choosing.

Are you struggling with repetitive patterns?

At an early age, we all create a Life script, based on our environment. This scenario will then unfold as a self-predicted prophecy. Together we will discover what the very young version of you decided for your life, so that you can rewrite your life script in alignment with what you desire today.

Is life happening to you, rather than you being in the driving seat?

Our mind is a true gem, and wants to protect us from harm. To this aim it develops defence mechanisms that are on auto-pilot (in average we operate 90% from our subconscious mind). During our sessions you will learn how to gain more your self-awareness so you can truly direct your life where you choose to.

About Me

Stéphanie Ah Tchou

I’m a hypersensitive soul who grew up at the confluence of three cultures and never quite felt like I fitted anywhere. As a result, I became a keen observer, hyper aware of my surrounding and of other people. I dedicated my life to finding a sense of belonging and of purpose, first by living across different continents, and then by going inwards, practicing, and studying different ways to reach inner growth and self-development. This and life experiences led me to […]

ONA the inner therapy

ONA the inner therapy

ONA is the combination of “One” and “Una” (Spanish). Through therapy you will learn to accept and integrate the different parts of yourself. Ona also means wave. Like a wave, we will dive deep and bring some of the subconscious into consciousness.


Humanistic Integrative Counseling and Therapy


Movement and breathing


Kundalini Yoga based

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    freedom * Fulfilment * Empowerment *